Our Sectors
Select Catering Consultancy Limited consult in the following sectors:
Whatever your catering requirements, Select Catering Consultancy Limited has a fundamental belief that every client is unique. We approach every opportunity with an open mind, listening to your objectives and challenges and then translating these into a structured plan specific to you.
We measure our success through the achievement of these which often include improvement in quality, increased sales, profit improvement and reduction of costs.
Drawing on our experience and the knowledge gained throughout all sectors of the catering and hospitality industry we create fresh solutions that will make a positive impact on your business.
Retail & Leisure
As catering & hospitality professionals with over 60 years’ experience and having owned our own successful businesses, we will draw on our experience and help make yours a success.
Do you believe your business will benefit from putting a robust plan in place?
Would you like to be sure you are maximising your profits?
Will you benefit from expert support providing quick cost-effective solutions to help you monitor your costs and track your gross profit?
You have every good intention to review and plan but just get side-tracked or too busy?
If your answer is "yes" to any of these we can help. We will provide simple systems and solutions that work and help you have the confidence of knowing your are maxiising your business potental. We can make an immediate difference and WILL help you drive quality whilst managing overheads.
Education Catering Consultancy
We offer consultancy services to schools and academies, Independent schools, colleges and universities.
We understand the importance of healthier diets and life choices, added value service that add to the overall education experience and we also understand the pressures our clients are under to meet their financial obligations.
Our approach will help you meet all of the challenges faced ensuring a successful, viable service that appeals to parents, pupils and has a positive financial impact.
Extra Care & Healthcare
At Select Catering Consultancy Limited, we take pride in our expertise in the growing sector of food service. Our approach is centered around providing the best advice to ensure quality food and service to residents and patients, where applicable. We believe that everyone deserves to enjoy a delicious and satisfying meal, and whether in-house or outsourced, we strive to make that a reality every day.
We offer a range of support to help you improve your business operations. Our services include reviews of your current service, customer engagement, auditing, and tendering support. We offer inclusive packages and a "pick and mix" daily support rate to suit your needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.
Workplace Catering & Hospitality
As companies strive to attract and retain the best employees. if managed effectively food and drink plays an important role and will be perceived as an attractive benefit.
We will work with you to design a catering strategy that is cost effective, on-trend and ensures that your on-site catering becomes a destination of choice for employees. As part of our engagement process we will establish:
Who are the customers and what are their requirements?
What is the optimal price point?
What are the key opening times?
Is the current facility fit for purpose or if building a new facility how much space is available?
What are and how can your financial objectives be met?
Is it time to go to market and review your catering provider/outsource and help to mange the process.
Stadia & Venue
It is crucial your loyal fans and hospitality & events guests remember their experience for all the right reasons. It's about the whole match day experience.
Our straightforward strategy will address key factors surrounding your catering including:
Maximising footfall to grow sales
Training and support
We can also assist with the search and appointment of a catering partner that is the right fit, managing the process form start to finish